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New Year! New Habits!

Happy New Year!

I hope 2020 is off to an amazing start for you! Each year we scramble and try to figure out what our New Year's resolution is going to be this year. We make a list of our goals and on day 1 we are ready to conquer every goal! By day 5, how many of us have forgotten about or given up on those goals? (You can count ME!) Well truth is, that's okay, because we can try again until we get it right! We just need to turn these goals into habits. One reason why we may not reach our goals the first time is because we did not create a step by step plan to achieve those goals. With a step by step plan and a goal to reach, anything is possible! If you're having trouble reaching your goals, don't get discouraged! Pick one goal to focus on, create a plan, and share it with a friend that will hold you accountable. Get in the habit of doing something everyday or every week that will get you closer to your goal. Remember you can do it!

While we're working and striving to reach goals, it is also important to take care of ourselves. Focusing on self-care is important when it comes to staying healthy. Self-care can come in various shapes and forms. Recreation and leisure activities is one way to practice self-care. Recreation and Leisure activities can be passive activities like taking time to color or an active activity such as going for a jog. Try practice one recreation/leisure activity with me each day for 21 days. Need help getting started? Follow my Leisure Lifestyle Calendar when you subscribe to this blog!

Thanks for reading and remember to be positive and stay positive!

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