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Recreational Therapy Month!

February is a great month to celebrate! It is recreational therapy month where we celebrate all of the therapeutic programs offered, all of the hard-working professionals, and the overall effect recreational therapy has had on the community over time. By exploring this page, you can learn what exactly recreational therapy is and what a recreational therapist may offer. If you have not had a chance to explore here is a quick overview:

What is recreational therapy?

A process that use recreation and other activities to address the assessed needs of individuals with illnesses and/or disabling conditions, in regard to their psychological and physical health, recovery and well-being.

Who can practice recreational therapist?

A certified therapeutic recreation specialist (CTRS) and Licensed Recreational Therapist (LRT)

What is the process?

A CTRS focuses on the APIE-D process to assist individuals with their needs.

First, we ASSESS the individual

then we PLAN their treatment

next we IMPLEMENT their treatment

we always DOCUMENT any changes and progress that has been made

then we EVALUATE their treatment

What are some recreational therapy interventions?

Interventions are based on the client's interest and the setting they are in. Interventions may include arts and craft, music, sports, exercise, etc.

Where is recreational therapy?

Hospitals, community settings, school systems, etc.

What’s the difference between recreational therapy (RT), physical therapy (PT), and occupational therapy (OT)?

Physical therapy and occupational therapy focus on a specific area whereas recreational therapy focuses on the overall quality of life of a person. PT may focus on strengthening a limb. OT focuses on performing a specific task. RT focuses on using interventions of your interest to improve all aspects of your life.

How to celebrate recreational therapy month?

Get out and get movin! Try a new activity. Volunteer with a local recreational therapist or just tune into my blog post!

Thanks for reading!

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