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Yoga comes in many different shapes and forms! There is power yoga, restorative yoga, and even goat yoga! One thing all the different types of yoga have in common are their benefits! Yoga can increase flexibility, muscle strength as well as improve energy, and mental well-being. Yoga can be used as coping skill to decrease stress and relax your mind. It is a mixture of breathing techniques, exercise, and meditation designed to work your body and your mind. As a result, studies have shown yoga to improve health. This has become a popular activity around the United States. Yoga instructors endure several hours of training to ensure they are providing the best practices when they lead a yoga class. If you are looking for a new way to relax, try getting involved with yoga by finding a local study or watching YouTube videos at home. All you need is a yoga mat and willingness to try something new! Tried yoga once before? Give it another try and become consistent! Thanks for reading :) #BePositive #StayPositive

Below are some great yoga videos for beginners:


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